Dschen Reineckewww.infraredport.com |
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Dschen Reinecke's Infrarotport mainboard-pageStatus: 9th of February 2005 |
The following informations come from visitors, who build the infraredport. I express them thanks. I hope all informations are correct, but I can't guarantee that. If You have more informations for me, feel free to mail me. The tables are arranged by motherboard's manufactors and modells. They contain the information ordered by pinning, Bios-settings, tips and if someone reported success, I write it here. I am sorry, but the page is not translated yet, but I think it's easy to understand, even You don't speak German:
This symbol shows reported success. | |
This symbol shows more then one reported success. | |
And this symbol shows reported failure.
The German mainboard-page: www.infrarotport.de/mainboard.HTML